America at a Crossroads

Rick Hasen with Warren Olney | 2025: What are the chances of a peaceful transition of power?

Season 3 Episode 58

RICK HASEN is one of the country’s foremost experts on American
election law, campaign finance, voting rights, voter suppression, and
transitions of power. In conversation with the highly awarded
broadcast journalist Warren Olney, Rick will provide his analysis on
the state of the current election with emphasis on efforts at voter
suppression, legal cases impacting on voting rights, ballot counting,
and challenges to election outcomes. Warren and Rick will discuss
the prospects of a repeat of the events of the attack on the Capitol on
January 6, 2021.

RICK HASEN is a professor of Law at UCLA Law and the Director of
UCLA Law’s Safeguarding Democracy Project. He was a founding
editor of the quarterly Election Law Journal, a peer reviewed
publication on election law. He runs Election Law Blog and is the
author of 6 critically reviewed books including A Real Right to Vote:
How a Constitutional Amendment can Safeguard American

Warren Olney was the host and executive producer of the naitonall
syndicated weekday afternoon program “To The Point.” He has been
honored with nearly 40 awards for his work.